代表 : 酒井紀卓 - Nori Sakai
QUEEEN is what made me fall in love with music when I was a boy.
When I grew up and became a graphic designer, I overcame many hardships.
I was able to design the QUEEN item that I admired, and
I also able to meet Sir.Dr. Brian May, who I admired.
I am truly honored and very grateful.
thank you. And thank you very much for your support
from seniors,coworker and many people and friends.
Dear customers,
Signature graphics designs music-related graphics.
Artwork design by artists music from around the world,
goods and merchandise production planning, graphic production for exhibitions and stage art,
General design including video production,
digital photo image processing, digital signage design, CD/DVD sleeve booklet design, and advertising.
Signature graphics will be celebrating its 20th anniversary.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support
and the confidence that you have placed in our company.
We never forget the beginner's spirit. Keeping our customer needs and requirements in mind,
we will strive to provide you with the best quality products and services.
We look forward to your continued patronage in the coming years.
very very thank you so much.
Signature Graphics Inc. Tokyo Japan.
インボイス制度 / 適格請求書発行事業者 (qualified invoice )